This year’s races take place on Tuesday 4th March 2025.
You can compete in either the ‘St Albans Running Pancake Race’ or the ‘St Albans Flippin’ Walkers Race’, or you can take part in both!
Alongside the traditional St Albans running Pancake Race, the St Albans Flippin’ Walkers Race is for teams who enjoy the skill and competition of the Pancake Race without the need for speed!
The early bird cost is £55 per team of 4 increasing to £70 after 31st January.
Please note there is a maximum of 2 teams per organisation.
4 members per team.
Charities are able to enter a team free of charge*, to apply for a promo code please email with the name of your charity, and which race you want to eneter, then return here and book with your promo code.
*Limited number of charity places available. Places limited to 1 team per charity.